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Wellspring Legacy
Giving Society News
Doreen Pinto’s
Attitude of Gratitude
Despite her life-altering cancer hints and coping mechanisms.
diagnosis, Doreen Pinto still finds It was nice to know that other
a reason to be grateful every people felt the same as me,”
day. She calls this practice her Doreen says. • DOREEN PINTO •
“attitude of gratitude.”
To get her creative juices
In 2022, Doreen discovered she flowing again, Doreen signed is why Doreen decided to
had breast cancer through a up for the Music Program – amend her will to include a
routine mammogram, followed which she loved. “I’ve always legacy donation for Wellspring.
by a biopsy and an ultrasound. been a creative person, but She says, “Wellspring has really
I was so inspired after the anchored me and given me
Wellspring Music Program that so much hope and comfort
I went home and I wrote a throughout my cancer journey.
song about cancer. I put it to It is such a worthy cause to
the melody of John Lennon’s
“If we can make things ‘Imagine’ – it’s called ‘A World donate to and I know first-hand
the programs they provide are
better in this world, Without Cancer’. I shared it phenomenal.”
then we must find a with the group and asked them “I want Wellspring to be able to
way to do it.” all to help me sing the song, serve people with cancer for
and we all sang it together at
Wellspring,” Doreen says. as long as possible. To do this,
they need ongoing donations of
After her successful It has been over a year since any kind. You don’t have to give
mastectomy, Doreen sought Doreen was diagnosed with thousands of dollars for it to be
connection with others who breast cancer, and every meaningful—anything you give
had been on a similar journey, day that passes, she makes will help.”
which is when she found sure to appreciate. “I don’t
out about Wellspring. The take anything for granted “If we can make things better in
many in-centre programs anymore. I believe in counting this world, then we must find a
intrigued Doreen, who initially my blessings and having the way to do it.”
signed up for the Relaxation cancer experience magnified For Doreen, that includes giving
and Visualization program. this for me. It allowed me to see back to Wellspring, and being
“Although I live alone, attending all that is good in my life.” grateful for what she has
this program showed me I
wasn’t alone in my journey. This, along with learning that received in life.
Everyone was so supportive Wellspring receives no core “That’s my attitude of gratitude!”
of each other, sharing helpful government or hospital funding,