Page 17 - Wellspring Adopt a Program
P. 17
Darlene Tiveron-Park:
Finding family with
Wellspring’s advanced
cancer group
On October 25, 2019, my world was turned statistics are just that – best guess numbers
upside down when I was diagnosed with stage based on trends – they don’t take into account so
4 breast cancer. By the time my cancer was many variables and for the first time after having
found, it was widespread and advanced. It had been diagnosed I felt hopeful. Thank God I made
spread from my breast to my ovaries, that call to Wellspring. Being part of the Oasis
abdomen, lymph nodes and bone. As far as Group has helped me in more ways than I could
the bone cancer, it spread to everything ever express. We share information about our
pretty much north of the knee – the femur, treatments, how we feel, we laugh, we cry and
pelvis, spine, rib cage, chest and skull. help each other.
Initially everything was so overwhelming and to Looking at me, you probably would not guess
be very truthful, it took me awhile to reach out I have cancer, let alone stage 4 cancer and am
to Wellspring. For me to make that call meant this receiving treatment. Most people say, ‘you don’t
was real, this wasn’t a misdiagnosis or clerical look sick’. While I am thriving, make no mistake,
error – I really did have cancer. The other reason cancer is hard. Both the disease and the
I struggled to reach out is because I am a fiercely treatments bring pain and truly awful side effects
independent person – for me to reach out meant every single day. It is human nature to protect the
I needed help which was so hard for me to do. ones we love. When it comes to this cancer beast,
But I came to see this cancer was bigger than that means we don’t always share with our
me and I made the call. It was the best call I loved ones how much pain we are in or fully
ever made. share the extent of our fears. In the Oasis
Group we can be completely raw because we are
I was welcomed with unconditional support, all feeling the same thing and walking in the same
encouragement and compassion. I joined the footsteps on the same journey. It’s my safe space
Oasis Group that has other members with where I can let it all out. I can’t tell you how much
metastatic disease just like me. The Oasis Group I need this.
has become not only friends but feel like family
and I am so lucky to have them. Wellspring is the organization you don’t want to
exist – none of us want to have cancer or have
Cancer is overwhelming to say the least, as is the our loved ones effected by it – but sadly the
amount of information out there. I heard reality is cancer touches far too many lives. And
statistics at the onset that were terrifying – then I while we wish Wellspring didn’t have to exist, if
met my Oasis Group members – some of which you or your family are impacted by cancer you
had similar cancers as me on similar medical will be so thankful they do. They provide support
treatments and were in their seventh year! This in every aspect – mind, spirit, body for both the
was huge for me, as it helped me see that the patient and for our families.