Page 2 - Wellspring Adopt a Program
P. 2

“As a mother and young adult
                                                                            with metastatic cancer, I can

                                                                            find it difficult to relate to other
                                                                            patients and other parents…
                                                                            it can be a lonely experience
                                                                            juggling parenthood and
                                                                            terminal cancer. The group
                                                                            is empowering, giving me
                                                                            increased confidence in my own
                                                                            abilities to parent and manage
                                                                            my disease. I look forward to

                                                                            each meeting for the laughs,
                                                                            tears, and valuable advice.”


                               OASIS SUITE OF PROGRAMS FOR

                               PEOPLE WITH ADVANCED CANCER

                                    ADOPT THIS SUITE OF PROGRAMS:


                               People with advanced cancer live with great uncertainty and a fusion of emotional
                               and physical health challenges. The Oasis suite of programs provides specialized
                               support, coping skills and therapeutic tools for people with late-stage cancer.
                               They are proven to increase overall well-being, while helping people process
                               difficult emotions, reduce anxiety, depression and isolation, and improve the ability
                               to sleep. These programs have seen a notable increase in participation from those
                               in need during COVID.
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