Page 3 - Wellspring Gratitude Report
P. 3

Our Milestones


         At Wellspring, we are deliberate with the organizations we choose to
         collaborate with. Part of our planning and coordinating means maximizing
         resources for participants, while ensuring there we don’t duplicate services.
         We are proud of and deeply grateful to our trusted partners, who align
         with our vision and are equally committed to ensuring sustainable
         supports are available to those living with cancer for years to come.
                                                                                   “I’ve developed a lot of medical anxiety
         New or enhanced collaborations from this past year include:                throughout my cancer journey, going
            New Horizons Health, New Brunswick                                     into hospitals and getting scopes every
            Ovarian Cancer Canada                                                   three months. But the Healing Journey
            Lung Cancer Canada                                                       Program, in conjunction with all the
            Ottawa Cancer Foundation                                                  other programs and resources I’m
            Ontario Parents Advocating for Cancer                                    taking at Wellspring, has made my
                                                                                    cancer less painful. I can use the skills
                                                                                    and strategies to practice mindfulness
                                                                                    to take the pain away. They are all key
         EXPANDING OUR REACH                                                               pieces I need to heal.”

         New Digital Platform                                                                  — Mary Huston,
         In March, Wellspring launched a new online platform, which included             Wellspring program participant
         an overhaul of our back-end systems and processes. Thanks in great
         measure to a $600,000 donation from TD Bank Group (TD), this new platform
         has improved administration of our programs, provides more access to data,
         and most importantly, allows us to better support individuals living with
         cancer from across Canada.

         We will continue to add improvements and features to the site throughout
         the coming year, including launching volunteer management functionality
         and a discussion forum for Wellspring members.

         New French Website and Programs
         To support Wellspring’s goal of becoming a more nationally recognized
         resource to all Canadians, as well as to support diverse communities across
         Canada, Wellspring now has a French website. This site includes our specific
         French programming, including those created in partnership with Ovarian
         Cancer Canada (Ovarian Cancer Peer Support and an Ovarian Cancer Support
         Group), as well as general Peer Support. We have also created French-specific
         volunteer training to support the continued expansion of our French

         New Brunswick Expansion
         Starting last October, thanks to a collaboration between Horizon Health and
         Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation, in-person Wellspring programs began
         to be offered in Saint John, New Brunswick. These programs include: Peer
         Support, Relaxation and Visualization, Nourish, and Cancer Related Fatigue.
         This year we are planning to expand our programming and support to
         additional regions within New Brunswick.

         This collaboration demonstrates how organizations can create meaningful
         change when they work together.
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