Page 4 - Wellspring Gratitude Report
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NEW PROGRAMS                                                                      “When I began exercising at
                                                                                          Wellspring, all my lipids came
         MAID Bereaved Support Group                                                      back down to normal levels.
         Losing someone close to you can be a profound and emotionally                   My cholesterol, which had been
         devastating experience. When someone chooses Medical Assistance in              very high, dropped significantly.
         Dying (MAID), it can result in feelings and experiences that are different     Everything was going in the right
         than other deaths. This new program is targeted to individuals who had           direction, and a lot of it had to
         a spouse who chose MAID. This is an eight-week program with weekly              do with the exercise I was doing
                                                                                                 at Wellspring.”
         two-hour sessions.
                                                                                                — David Johnston,
         We are seeing great success from this program, which was funded by                Wellspring program participant
         Pancreatic Cancer Canada.

         Watch for further updates in the coming months as we implement a
         broader slate of 2SLGBTQIA+ programs, and continue to develop
         additional programs as a result of our partnerships, which include the
         Nourish RX Food App.

         Giving Opportunities

         In addition to ongoing fundraising opportunities, Wellspring has several philanthropic initiatives that provide
         more specific program support, for those who want more say in how their dollars are spent.

            Our Adopt-a-Program provides a full year's worth        Wellspring Initiators continue to drive innovation
            of funding for vital Wellspring programs. Through       by voting on areas for new programs or services to
            this initiative, the following programs were fully      better serve the Wellspring community. Thanks to
            sponsored in the past year: the Chronic Cancer          seed funding provided by this dedicated group,
            Support Program, Counselling for Children and           Wellspring has developed program solutions to
            Families, Music Therapy (Online), Nourish, and the      address existing gaps in cancer care services.
            Breast Cancer Support Group at Wellspring               Most recently, we are about to introduce a new
            Birmingham Gilgan House. In addition, Wellspring        2SLGBTQ+ program, and are fostering
            received significant contributions designated           partnerships to create an inclusive environment
            towards Skills & Strategies workshops and the           and raise awareness of cancer support within this
            Relaxation & Visualization program. These generous      community. Later in the year, we are launching a
            gifts enable us to enhance health outcomes and          new Discussion Forum — an online space where
            assist more individuals in better coping with cancer.   cancer patients from across Canada can safely ask
            Our new Mission Leaders initiative allows               questions and forge meaningful connections
            philanthropic leaders to pool their resources in        through online conversations.
            support of Wellspring's Oasis suite of programs, for
            individuals facing advanced cancer, providing critical
            support to those most vulnerable. We will expand
            the Mission Leaders in the upcoming year.

        Thanks to the ongoing support of our donors and community, we're continuously striving to make a meaningful
        impact in the lives of those affected by cancer. Thank you for being an integral part of this journey.


                                                         Helping people live better with cancer

             Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation is a charitable organization serving all Canadians. Charitable Reg. #892728940RR0001
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