Page 3 - Wellspring Adopt a Program
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                                                  Five hundred Canadians are diagnosed with cancer every day.
                                                  In addition to dealing with pain, nausea and fatigue, many
                                                  are worried about their families, finances, jobs and future.
                                                  For 80%, significant physical, emotional, and financial challenges
                                                  persist for years after diagnosis and for some, the situation
                                                  seems unrecoverable.

                                                  Wellspring is Canada’s leader in evidence-based cancer support
                                                  programs that help people live better with cancer.  Wellspring

                                                     •  Ease debilitating physical symptoms

                                                     •  Reduce emotional distress for patients, their children
                                                        and families

                                                     •  Improve people’s access to financial and health resources

                                                     •  Lower the chances that cancer will return

                                                     •  Help people return to work when they are ready

                                                  By adopting a Wellspring program, you can ensure that people
                                                  receive the help they need today.

                                                        “Wellspring was the door I didn’t think
                                                        I needed, but I was grateful to have
                                                        found it when it opened. Everyone

                                                        and everything about it was inviting
                                                        and warm. An overwhelming sense of

                                                        belonging immediately overcame me.
                                                        Everything at Wellspring is done with
                                                        compassionate, healing arms.”
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